

Modelling and Experimentation for Engineering

ModExpEng is a UK based company, established with the objectives of developping software and experiments for engineering applications. We closely collaborate on projects with other companies and universities.

Work sample
Cure Simulation Tool
Work sample
Metallic foams
Cure Simulation Tool
Development of the resin curing prediction capability for ANSYS® Workbench. The process is completely integrated within ANSYS®: at the Engineering Data level and within the Mechanical module.
Programming languages: XML, python, Fortran and NSIS.
The happy partner was LMAT ltd.
Experimental assessment of coatings on mechanical response of open-cell aluminium foams
Open-cell aluminium foams were caracterised using strains measured by a specifically developped piece of software. The strains were obtained by tracking individual markers on the surface of the specimen. The resolution was evaluated to be 14 µm/m.
Programming languages: MATLAB.
The happy partner was Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
My skills


ModExpEng is a small consultancy company created in 2013. It is mainly focusing on the development of numerical models and apply optical techniques in the context of material characterization.

About the founder

Cédric Devivier has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from UTT on damage detection using full-field kinematic measurements. He has worked as a research fellow at Arts et métiers ParisTech in France and at the University of Southampton in the UK. He has also worked for a company named LMAT ltd specialised in improving composite product performance throught numerical analysis. He is now a research fellow at the University of Southampton on bio-engineering applicaitons.

And, what should I do now?

It’s very simple - just contact me. I am always in a good mood for new challenges and informal discussions.

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